Tuesday, July 3, 2012

40 in 4--Take 2

So, I will be honest...when I started with my whole plan of losing 40 pounds in 4 months, I did really good the first two weeks.  I mean, I lost 7 pounds.  Then life kinda got in the way and I quit doing a good job and started making excuses.  In fact, I started doing poorly enough that I have decided to start over entirely.  But the difference this time is I am coming in with a solid plan.

I started July 1st.  I have a program (that involves eating foods low on the glycemic scale), and a coach, and supplements, and support.  All of this is helpful in knowing that I am going to do better this time.  So, I am starting off with a week long cleanse to detox my body of crappy stuff and reset it.  Not gonna lie--I am pretty nervous about this. 
Here is the list of what I can eat:
~vegetables (unlimited)
~3 servings of fruit a day
~water and my selected supplements
~and only because I play derby and am therefore an athlete, 4 oz of lean protein at each major meal

Breakfast of an egg white and spinach omelet with fresh salsa and a side of cherries.

Soup made with broth, onions, carrots, celery, spinach, and chicken meatballs
Here is a list of what I can not eat:
~pretty much everything. 
~sweet potatoes  (I learned this after I made what I thought were super healthy sweet potato chips.  Twice.  Oops.)
~flax seed (I learned this after I ate a bite of what I thought was a super healthy protein pancake made with egg whites, flax, and blueberries.  Oops.)
~again, pretty much everything

Since I began Sunday, my cleanse will last until next Saturday.  Then the just regular clean eating begins, but I can add in lots of other options (like sweet potato and flax seed).  Usually when you do this detox, the list of foods you can eat are vegetables, and 3 servings of fruit a day.  No protein.  Thank goodness I'm an athlete because I was pretty concerned about how I was going to be able to practice and bout without protein!   Also, on bout day (this Saturday), I think I'm going to need to eat a little extra protein, because I felt a little weak at travel practice last night.   

Also, I've been on this detox for two solid days, and I have lost 2.5 pounds!  I fully understand this is mostly water weight but c'mon, it's still two and half pounds in 2 days and that makes me happy.  So, right now, I'm still a little nervous, but more than anything I am committed.  But for real this time.